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Free Box Break- May!

How to get in to the monthly free box break: Purchase team spots and we'll do the math at the end of the month. However many teams you purchased during the month will determine how many free spots you get in the break. Simple as that!

For example, this is only an example, numbers will change: The top 5 buyers of the month will get guaranteed spots in the free break, they would be considered tier 1. Then tier 2 buyers will get a guaranteed spot, it may be only 1 spot though. Tier 3 buyers will have to battle out for 4 available spots in the free break. It will be done by So there may be 8 people that qualify for tier 3 and only half of them will get a free spot, but your odds are better! Tier 4 and so on will be battling for less spots. I've seen a tier 5 person get the huge hit out of the free box so its always good to tune in!

The end of the month is coming fast... Get your spots now and increase your chances for getting in on the break! 

If you're the top buyer of the Month, you're automatically inducted to The Ultimate Box Breaks "Diamond Suite". This is a very exclusive club that has plenty of perks!

April Free Box Break Videos

March Free Box Break Video

February Free Box Break Videos

January Free Box Break Video

December Free Box Break Video

November Free Box Break Video


October Free Box Break Video:

September Free Box Break Video:

August Free Box Break Video:

July Free Box Break Video:

June Free Box Break Video:


May Free Box Break Video:

April Free Box Break Video:


March Free Box Break Video:

February Free Box Break Video:

January Free Box Break Video:

December Free Box Break Video:

November's Free Box Break Video:

October's Free Box Break Video: